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Week 28 Sensory Activity - Paint Bag

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Get a large zip lock bag, squeeze some finger paint inside, seal it tight, and watch your child squish the paint around to make new colors. It's squishy, colorful, no-mess fun.


You can either give your child the zip lock bag to squish in their hands, or you can tape it to the floor (or to the bottom of a large container if you think your child will pop the bag!). If you tape it down, your child can use their fingers to "paint" through the colors and then "erase" with their whole hand."

Younger toddlers will like watching all the paint colors swirl around. Older toddlers can start learning about mixing colors and choose their own color combinations for this activity.

I would love to see your paint bag creations! Don't forget to use the hashtag #52weeksofsensory and tag @highchairchronicles if you post any pictures on social media.

Psst, if you happened to come across this page and are wondering what the heck this is all about: We are doing the 52 Weeks of Sensory challenge. Come join us!


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