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This week we are finger painting! You can do this simply with a sheet of paper or a coloring book, or get an art easel, your kid will LOVE it!
These large squeezable bottles of finger paints from Crayola are great because there is enough for many sessions of finger painting, plus they are WASHABLE!
If you want to make your own finger paint, this easy recipe from Extreme Couponing Mama is easy, very safe for curious little ones who like to taste everything, and you can pick your own colors: homemade finger paint. It lasts a few days in the fridge.
Alternatively, you can use baby food or pudding and let your kids snack as they finger paint.
If your child is hesitant to touch the paint with their fingers, don't push them! Give them a paint brush to get started. They can also use cotton balls to paint - this will get the paint all over their hands as well, but they might me more willing to give it a try.
My son really didn't want to touch the paint with his hands the first few times, but was OK with using a paintbrush to dab paint onto his legs (we did this activity on the floor while he was in a diaper). I made silly sounds every time the paint touched him so he had fun and giggled instead of being stressed out about it.
Psst, if you happened to come across this page and are wondering what the heck this is all about: We are doing the 52 Weeks of Sensory challenge. Come join us!