7 Cleanup Songs for Toddlers
Try one of these fun cleanup songs for toddlers to get them to clean up. Sometimes a catchy song works better than asking nicely, yelling, or threatening that the roomba …
Try one of these fun cleanup songs for toddlers to get them to clean up. Sometimes a catchy song works better than asking nicely, yelling, or threatening that the roomba …
Many families are keeping their toddlers home from day cares. We all have good intentions to avoid TV and only do educational activities with our toddlers during this time, let's …
Sequencing puzzles are great for teaching numbers to toddlers and keeping them busy. Here you'll find several different FREE sequencing puzzle printables for toddlers. This post contains affiliate links. As …
An easy preschool candle craft combined with a Valentine's Day-themed sensory activity all in one. Your toddler will be so proud to see their artwork displayed in your house! This …
I am so glad that the focus on open-ended toys is returning! Most kids have so many toys that light up and sing songs and are bright and flashy and …
The Division of Responsibilities for Feeding your child, created by Ellyn Satter, can help reduce stress during mealtimes and teach your child how to eat better and be less picky. …
Our two year old son used to eat only while watching cartoons on the iPad, TV, or the phone. We tolerated this for a long time, but then decided to …
We don't just let our son play with a doll, we encourage him to play with a doll. Here is why every boy should play with dolls.
7 easy family rules to follow to reduce picky eating. These rules will help you change how you talk about food and eating with your children and might help them …
Wondering whether feeding therapy for picky eating works? Read about our experience with feeding therapy for our toddler's picky eating, and tips for how to make the most of every …